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The importance of using great water
Like most beverages such as wine, tea, beer and chocolate, coffee drink is almost water, most exactly its between 97.5-98.5% water in a coffee beverage. About 98% for an espresso, and about 98.5% for regular coffee. So like, wine beer and chocolate water is a fundamental part of the beverage.
Water may seem like a single molecule, but the water we usually drink (including tap water) has a lot of molecules of different compounds, mainly minerals. These minerals give each water a unique flavor and taste.
The water used to prepare your coffee, should be odor free, and have a reasonable amount of minerals. It shouldn’t be very hard, water hardness is determined by the calcium and magnesium content and you can recognize it, because when you heat it and it leaves a white film on the heating surface.
What is the best water to prepare Crefé with? The answer is simple, just water that alone tastes great, and that it doesn´t have non typical water flavors. In some places we recommend using filtered or bottled water instead of tap water, because the flavors added may not be desirable.
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Just as important as the water quality is the temperature. For each Crefé we recommend a right temperature, but our main advice is not to use water above 70 °C (160 °F), since the aromas we carefully preserved in the process may be damaged and bitterness may result.