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We are very pleased that you have taken the time to review our (environmental, educational, research & social) crowdfunding projects; we are grateful for your collaboration. You can donate to more than one project. There are two ways you can help:

Single-time donor: You can make a single-time payment for any or some of our fundraising/donation projects. Just click the project image, choose the amount you will donate and it will add that donation project as an item to the cart. You can modify the amount or cancel the donation during the checkout.

Recurring donor: In the donation box, choose the amount, the payment frequency and make sure to complete all fields. You can also send us a comment. You can modify the amount or cancel the donation. If you want, you can make an offline donation (check).

Bird Blue Coffee Branch Side

Colombian Birdlife

Every single origin of Crefé is represented with a bird sighted in that specific region. Did you know that Colombia has the more bird species than any country in the world? More than 1.900 bird species. We like to promote them! In our environmental and social commitment we transfer donations to different non-profit entities and allocate a part of our income to their mission of birdlife conservation.

Man Arms Crossed Apron Beige Shop Sign Bycycle

Barista Education Fund

There are too many young people in vulnerable situations in Colombia who cannot afford college. By donating, you can help one of them to become a barista, get a job, develop skills, contribute to society, but, most of all, have a meaningful and purposeful life.

Woman Sweater Gray Pitcher Cappuccino Aerial

Crefé R&D industrial center

Right now, we are destining some of our income resources to two projects. The money that we collect will be used either to pay for third-party researchers and pilot tests and for the 3CR.

Eco-friendly use of spent-grounds: Right now, instant coffee industries burn the spent grounds to reduce energy costs but at the same time they pollute the air. We are, currently, donating the spent grounds to plant nurseries, so they can make compost from it. Of course, it would be cheaper for us to burn the spent grounds, but, should the environment have to pay for the damage we cause? Because our raw material comes from the earth, we believe that we must create the conditions to protect it. We are working with outsourcing researchers to find an industrial solution, because we generate tons of spent grounds.

Crefé Center for Coffee Research (3CR): In Colombia there are a lot of agricultural coffee research, but no agro-industrial research. That’s why we began this journey more than 30 years ago. Right now, as the result of our R&D we have an innovative technology, we want to further: we want to open the first Colombian R&D Coffee Industrial Center: the Crefé Center for Coffee Research (3CR). And we want to do it in Colombia, because we certainly believe that the added-value has to stay in the country. We cannot continue just exporting the added-value of a raw material. Helping a developing country must mean helping our people to deploy their richness and skills. We want to export the know-how from Colombia, along with the coffee beans and the processed coffees.

Branch Coffee Cherries Leafs Side

Crefé Support for agricultural coffee processes

If we want good coffees we have to promote our coffee grower suppliers and pay them for their efforts to improve quality and good agricultural practices. There have been a lot of coffee agricultural research, but sometimes they don’t even get close to the reality of the coffee growers, and the technical jargon hasn’t been made available in a comprehensive language for them. If we don’t help them produce a better product, they won’t get better incomes, they won’t improve their quality.

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