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Crefé Technology

Crefé Technology

First of all, do you know what Crefé means? If you don’t, first go read Why Crefé®; then, come back to learn about the Crefé Technology, the unique 100% Colombian technology for processing instant coffee.

Machinery design

Thanks to more than 30 years of experience, research and development in fruit and coffee processing, we have designed and built all the necessary machinery for coffee processing.

Differentiated lots

Our Crefé technology allows different batches to be made, so that the traceability of the coffees that are processed is preserved. In its preparation, it enters the production line, with nothing more than water, and does not mix, neither at the beginning nor the end, with other coffees.

Artisanal roasting

Each coffee we process is previously evaluated in our laboratory to define the best roasting profile. Our roasting masters are responsible for ensuring that this profile is replicated in the production.

Optimum extraction

According to the degree of roasting and grinding, the coffee is extracted or strained, retaining the optimum flavors and aromatic components. If it is not done properly, the flavors of coffee are not extracted, or unwanted flavors are obtained.

Times reduction

Each coffee particle spends the minimum time per process, obtaining appropriate extracts and moisture losses without loss of flavor, avoiding overextraction and residual metallic and burnt flavors.

Minimum temperatures

Specialty coffee beans are delicate: any inappropriate temperature causes them to lose characteristics. We apply the minimum temperatures.

Aromatic protection

We do not lose the aromas, we protect them in all the processes, so that they manifest naturally in the cup.

Coffee crema

The foam or cream of a well-prepared coffee is spectacular! How nice is its texture in the mouth! The Crefé® technology obtains it naturally, just from the coffee.

Authentic taste

Because not all coffees are the same, our processes maintain the unique flavors of each origin.

Turbidity and texture

As in a good beer, turbidity is an attractive feature of a genuine beverage. The texture, on the other hand, allows the enjoyment of a pleasant sensation to the palate left by the coffee microparticles, for a long time.

Dispersible and fluid

In addition to being soluble, instant coffee made with Crefé technology behaves with enough fluidity and dispersibility, this allows immediate applications and controlled dosages.

Cold dilution

You do not need water or hot milk to dilute the Crefé instant coffee. You can do it directly in cold liquids, with little agitation, because it is completely soluble, and it generates the aromas of coffee.

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